Types of water heater and their comparison (How to choose)

Types of water heater and their comparison (How to choose)

Water heating accounts for about 18% of your home’s energy use and is the typically the second largest energy expense in any home. 

You can reduce your water heating bills in four primary ways:

  • Using less hot water

  • Using energy-saving strategies, such as turning down the thermostat on your water heater

  • Insulating your water heater and pipes

  • Buying a new, more efficient model or type of water heater.

If you have a pool, energy-saving strategies and efficient water heaters and pumps will help you save energy and money, while keeping your pool comfortable.

We’re all guilty of using a bit too much hot water in our everyday lives, whether it’s taking an additional two minutes in the shower, leaving the water running while doing the dishes, or washing clothing in hot water rather than cold. These water-wasting practises build up over time. As a result, it is not surprising that the average household spends 30000-45000 rupees per year on water heating, which accounts for 14-18% of homeowners’ utility expenditures. If you want to save money on water heating, you have a lot of possibilities.

Interested in making low-cost improvements yourself? We offer two new Energy Savings Water Heating Projects. These do-it-yourself guidelines walk you through the process of making water heating modifications that will save you energy and money. Setting your water heater temperature too high can result in standby heat losses of 320-500 rupees per year, not to mention more than 32000 rupees in demand losses. Learn how to properly reduce the temperature of your water heating system. Insulating your hot water pipes is another option to save money on water heating bills. This minor modification can help boost the temperature of your water by 2-4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Consider acquiring an energy-efficient water heater as a long-term investment. Whether you’re contemplating tankless water heaters or solar, our new  Oorja shakti 101 water heater infographic explains the many types of water heaters on the market and will assist you in determining the best option for your house.
