Power market to soon have 25 per cent share of total electricity sales: Rohit Bajaj, IEX Published 1 year ago By SuperAdmin The share of power market in the total electricity sales in the country will soon rise to the targeted 25 per cent, given the various structural reforms being undertaken in the sector, Rohit Bajaj, Executive Director, Business Development, Strategy and regulatory Affairs at Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) tells. He also shares a perspective on the growth of the largest power trading platform, new initiatives and emerging trends in the industry.What has been the broad trend of volume growth at IEX in the past some time?Since its inception in 2008, volumes at IEX have grown at a CAGR of 30% and we traded nearly 100 BUs electricity last year. In both FY21 and FY22, our volume growth was over 25 per cent on YoY basis. While last year was challenging due to the geopolitical situation and related supply side constraints, in the current financial year, as those constraints have eased our volumes have picked up and volumes have grown about 13 per cent year-to-date.The overall demand in the country has increased significantly as we have touched 240 GW of peak demand and registered YoY demand growth of over 13 per cent in Q2 FY24. In fact, in October this year, power demand increased 22 per cent, due to poor monsoon and high agricultural demand and our volume also grew by about 20 per cent. But April and May 2023 were months of low power demand growth as temperatures were lower due to unseasonal rains.So, while prices were moderately low as supply was available, lower demand kept volumes muted. In Q1, therefore, our volumes grew only 5-7 per cent. But it has picked up very well after Q1, overall in the current financial year, volumes have grown by 12-13 per cent. As demand growth is likely to continue in coming months, we are hopeful that by the end of this fiscal year, it will be even better.In terms of products and offerings, IEX has grown significantly from where it was in 2008, but from a business strategy point of view, what would constitute the next phase of growth for the exchange?From a business strategy perspective, IEX’s next stage of expansion will come from range of products we offer. Even though our platform has a wide range of products, there will be a significant update soon. To be more precise, we will implement a modification to Long Duration Contracts, making them available for up to 11 months instead of just three months on offer currently.This step holds immense significance for both IEX and the power market. We are awaiting approval from the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) for the LDC, which is expected to be granted within the next month or two. Once the initiative gets the regulatory approval, it will be formally launched.How has the Green Energy Market performed in the past some time?Despite the Green Energy Market’s enormous potential, this year’s performance has been uneven. While our volumes in this segment have not seen a marked increase, there are notable dynamics at play. In the past, States like Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh that had excess green electricity were big sellers. However, these States have seen a significant increase in demand of their own this year, which has resulted in reduced sell by these surplus states.As a result, volume in green market has seen lower participation from sell side, which has temporarily decreased the market’s volume. There is a growing interest from developers, including public sector undertakings (PSUs), which are branching out into merchant roles due to increased demand for green power.Private developers are pursuing lenders about the superior revenue potential in the merchant market when contrasted with PPAs. There is hope for significant growth in the green sector in the upcoming years due to this change in dynamics. At the moment, this segment makes up between 5-6% of our total volumes.In what major ways is India’s power market set to change?A significant transformation expected in India’s power market, although it will take some time, is the establishment of a Capacity Market and the introduction of trading in capacity contracts. This development is closely related to the execution of the Resource Adequacy Framework and the ideal generation mix planned by States, for which guidelines have been issued by Ministry of Power and that has also been included in Indian Electricity Grid Code notified by CERC.This framework will determine the optimal energy mix or resources that each State should maintain. When a state runs out of resources, it will have to buy electricity capacity from the market.India’s power market, which is now focused on energy trading in Kilowatt Hours (KWh), is likely to move toward the procurement of Megawatts (MWs) of energy capacity from the market. It would be feasible for buyers, like states, to obtain capacity from the market for a year, filling the gap until their capacity becomes operational. The advent of such capacity contracts is anticipated in the near future.The government wants the power market to account for around 25 percent of the total consumption. Do you see that happening?The Indian power market will grow significantly aligning with the expectations that have been in place for a long time. The power market already accounts for 50–60 per cent of total consumption in developed countries in Europe. Four years ago, this percentage in India was 4.5 per cent; over time, it has steadily increased to 7 per cent.We anticipate an ongoing trend that will soon make the government’s target of 25 per cent a reality shortly.There are two main ways that this evolution will happen. First, through energy replacement from the market, as witnessed in the last few years particularly during the Covid.States opted to replace energy from the market whenever the prices are lower without giving up on long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). This shift occurs when the exchange price is less than the energy charge component of the price determined under long-term PPAs. Second, additional demand is expected to shift to the market given the current unwillingness to sign long-term PPAs due to general uncertainty around thermal capacity and the introduction of new-generation technologies. Consequently, major part of future incremental demand is likely to be geared towards the market.But how often does a situation arise when the exchange prices are low enough to enable the shifting of long-term PPAs?While last year’s prices were high, comparatively this year’s average exchange rates are 15-20 per cent lower. This year average price is approximately Rs 5.4 per unit up until November, and average price for November month is Rs 3.99.We expect lower price trend to continue for next few months and more such windows will come during monsoon and high wind generation season. DISCOMs have the chance to replace their more expensive power sourced through long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) in this period when the unit price is at Rs 4. This provides them opportunity to take advantage of the favourable market conditions and minimize their cost of power procurement.