Our Publication

This comprehensive publication provides an in-depth analysis of the latest advancements in renewable energy technologies, elucidating their transformative potential for the global energy landscape. The authors delve into a wide array of renewable sources, including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and bioenergy. They discuss breakthroughs in efficiency improvements, scalability, and cost reduction, showcasing how these innovations are driving the transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy options.

The publication evaluates the environmental benefits of renewable technologies, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution mitigation, and decreased reliance on finite fossil fuels. Furthermore, it explores the challenges associated with intermittency and energy storage, offering insights into cutting-edge solutions like battery technologies, pumped hydro storage, and innovative grid integration strategies.

Types of water heater and their comparison (How to choose)

Water heating accounts for about 18% of your home’s energy use and is the typically the second largest energy expense in any home. You can reduce your water heating bills in four primary ways: If you have a pool, energy-saving strategies and efficient water heaters and pumps will help you save energy and money, while …

Electric Vehicle Road Map.

Promoting Clean Energy Usage Through Accelerated Localization of E-Mobility Value Chain Automotive industry, globally, is at a tipping point. In the last few years, the discussions have shifted from “will Electric Vehicle (EV) become mainstream?” to “the future of transport is electric” By the end of 2021, more than 15 countries had come forward and …
